Food shelf life extension is a priority for many businesses. Finding the best way to extend the shelf life and maintain the quality of perishable products can be challenging. Consumers expect the best, and packaging often acts as a measure of product quality.

Gas flush vacuum sealing is becoming the preferred method of ensuring longevity, freshness and safety in food and medical products. The process has significant advantages and presents an efficient and effective alternative to traditional packaging methods.

What Are Gas Flush Vacuum Sealers?

Gas flush sealing is a modified atmosphere packaging that keeps perishable food products fresh by substituting oxygen with a nontoxic gas like nitrogen. Gas flush vacuum sealers flush food products with nitrogen gas. Then, vacuum seal them to prevent oxidation, which causes food to mold and decay.

Nitrogen doesn't react with perishable foods like oxygen and does not impact flavor and texture. Nitrogen molecules are larger and heavier than oxygen, making it easy to push oxygen out of containers and providing cushioning for food and other products during transportation and storage. Nitrogen flush sealing is a cost-effective method of increasing product longevity and preventing spoilage.

Plus, it's safe to work with, as nitrogen makes up about 78% of the air we breathe. Aside from food products, gas-flushing vacuum sealers are also used for packaging medical and chemical products, forming a protective barrier between products and potentially harmful contaminants, including dust, moisture and microbes.

Explore Our Gas Flush Vacuum Sealer Solution

The Advantages of Gas Flush Vacuum Sealing

When choosing a sealing method for your packaging, understanding the benefits is vital to ascertain whether it's the right choice for your operation. Some of the many advantages of gas flush sealing include:

Extended Shelf Life

Nitrogen allows you to create an ideal atmosphere for products, removing all traces of oxygen. Secondly, vacuum sealing creates durable packaging that protects your products from the elements and any external contaminants, increasing product longevity and quality and keeping perishables fresh for longer.

Extending your products' shelf life reduces product losses, which is excellent for your consumers and bottom line.

Elevated Food Safety

Packaging your products with gas flush systems eliminates the need for chemical preservatives, reducing the risk and making your products more appealing to consumers. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, and we breathe it every day, making it safe for use in preserving and packaging food products.

Enhanced Product Appearance

The gas flush process prevents products from coloring. Oxygen interacts with the natural pigments in many foods, particularly meat products, which can cause them to appear discolored. Nitrogen and other non-reactive gasses prevent this discoloration from happening. Their non-reactivity allows food products to retain a fresh appearance, making them more appealing to buyers.

Protected Product Integrity

You can flush products with extra nitrogen depending on your needs. This process provides extra cushioning for fragile products so they don't break and retain their freshness during transport, storage and packing. More robust products also benefit from this additional protection to maintain the product's structure.

This packaging method also seals in flavors, allowing consumers a better user experience.

Ease of Use

Gas flush systems are quick, efficient and user-friendly. You can automate the process and customize the settings for various products. Automating your equipment frees your team to focus on other critical tasks, reduces labor costs and increases output speed.

Learn More About Our Vacuum Sealers

Choosing the Right Equipment for Gas Flush Vacuum Sealing

Businesses have differing packaging needs, and choosing the right high-efficiency vacuum sealing machine can be challenging. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure you make the best decision for your business:

Production Requirements

Consider the volume of products requiring packaging throughout your operation. Explain your output requirements to your product provider so they can help you determine which type of machine is best suited to our needs. Consider your future requirements. If you expect considerable business growth, purchasing equipment that quickly becomes obsolete could cause unnecessary hassle.

Packaging Environment

Depending on your product, you may have stringent safety and hygiene regulations to consider. Your chosen equipment should be designed for easy cleaning to maintain compliance in your workspace.

Package Quality and Appearance

Packaging affects whether consumers purchase your products. Your packaging should be attractive and functional to build trust in your brand and demonstrate the quality of the product inside. Consider how your packages are displayed and how consumers use your products. The right packaging equipment should provide a visually appealing result that represents your products and encourages purchases.

Maintenance and Ease of Operation

Consider how easy it will be to set up, use and maintain your machine, as these factors can affect your costs, efficiency and downtime. Your device should be easy to work with so you can integrate it into your existing workflow and start enjoying the results.

Supplier Partnership

Having a solid partnership with your supplier is essential. They should take the time to understand your needs and plan business growth. As you'll use your equipment as part of your operations, ask your supplier about their support level and their experience with your industry.

Machine Quality and Efficiency

Selecting a machine also depends on your budget, and it's essential to balance the initial cost of your machine with maintenance and operation costs. A return on investment (ROI) is critical to your profitability, and a quality machine can set you up for the future by increasing your output speed and elevating your presentation. Consider investing in equipment that can grow with your business. 

Take Your Packaging to the Next Level with Plexpack

Integrating new equipment into your operations requires careful consideration to ensure you choose the right products. Gas flush vacuum sealing has considerable benefits for many procedures, including food and beverage applications. You need a reliable and experienced supplier partnership for the best results.

Plexpack has helped more than 6,000 companies worldwide find the best product packaging option. We pride ourselves on providing customers with reliable, high-quality, North American-made packaging equipment. We also understand that working with a supplier requires a solid partnership, so our trained technicians are here to support you throughout your operations.

Feel free to contact us to learn more about our innovative products. We will walk you through the best product choices for your budget and application.

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